Keyhole Markup Language

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📃 These are primarily notes, intended to be a collection of useful fragments, that will probably never be complete in any sense.

Note that KML is an open format, and specific apps (such as Google Earth) may not use/support all of it.

KML uses decimal lat-long, and uses WGS84. (always?(verify)) (see also Cartographic_notes)

Applications and associations

KML (Keyhole Markup Language)

  • MIME: application/

KMZ: KML-zipped

  • MIME:application/
  • containing a compressed KML file,
  • ...lets you pack in images (icons, etc.) so that the KML does not have to refer to public-server URIs for that

Will open in Google Earth or anything else that has it registered.

Note that Google Maps also takes KML, like:

Simple example

A simple KML file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">

What is stored

KML Features include:

  • Placemark (basic vector features: points, lines, polygons)
  • Folder, Document (containers)
    • Document (container for features and styles)
    • Folder (container for features)
  • image overlays (ground, screen, photo)
  • NetworkLink (to remote KML/KMZ files)

Note that Region is regularly used to describe metadata and points of interest within certain boxes.

Lod allows you to specify the (minimum, maximum) screen size of a feature before it should be considered active.


You can declare colors and/or line widths on icons, labels, lines, polygons, balloons, and lists.

May be ignored unless you need them.

Are usually referenced by their id, within the same document.

See also:


  • should include a <name> and
  • may include a <description> (HTML must be element-escaped, or in CDATA section)
  • may include a <LookAt> structure
  • may include a <styleUrl> to refer to style (usually a #hash based URL to refer to a style declared in the same KML file.
  • has an element declaring its type: (Point, LineString, etc., see below)
    • with option elements depending on the type
    • and a <coordinates> element
      • with coordinates in text nodes
      • space-separated coordinates
      • comma-separated per dimensions
        • longitude (≥ −180 and <= 180)
        • latitude (≥ −90 and ≤ 90)
        • altitude (meters) (optional)

Common options:

  • altitudeMode (string)
    • defines interpretation of the third (altitude) coordinate, if used:
    • clampToGround (default, ignores altitude)
    • relativeToGround: Relative to ground elevation
    • absolute: Relative to sea level (regardless of ground elevation)
  • extrude (boolean, 0 or 1)
    • connect point/line/polygon to ground (direction of center of Earth)
    • applies when altitudeMode is relativeToGround or absolute
  • tessellate (boolean, 0 or 1)
    • Show very large line segments so they follow the terrain (vertically, rather than poking through mountains, go underground, etc.)
    • applies when altitudeMode is clampToGround

Types, options per type

  • altitudeMode, extrude
  • Example: <Point><coordinates>-6.1456,-35.1</coordinates></Point>
  • Non-closed sequence of coordinates
  • altitudeMode, extrude, tessellate
  • Closed line string (a minimal polygon)
  • altitudeMode, extrude, tessellate,
  • typically the outer boundary of a Polygon. A LinearRing can also be used as the inner boundary of a Polygon to create holes in the Polygon. A Polygon can contain multiple <LinearRing> elements used as inner boundaries.
  • Similar to LinearRing, with a required main polygon, and contained cutout polygons:
    • outerBoundaryIs (LinearRing), required
    • innerBoundaryIs (LinearRing), (0 or more)
  • altitudeMode, extrude, tessellate


Can contain one or more Geometry-type (e.g. line, polygon) elements, that should be viewed as a single feature.

(except in cases where polygon innerBoundaries apply?)


Points to a COLLADA resource (see also Cartographic notes)

See Also

Time and animation:

Expiration, Updates: