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mNo edit summary
Line 105: Line 105:
Since I'm a *nix person about these things, I use something along the lines of:
Since I'm a *nix person about these things, I use something along the lines of:

<code lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# In mencoder, and just throwing bitrate at it instead:
# In mencoder, and just throwing bitrate at it instead:
ls *.JPG | sort > filelist
ls *.JPG | sort > filelist
mencoder -nosound -mf fps=24 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=8000 mf://@filelist
mencoder -nosound -mf fps=24 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=8000 mf://@filelist
</syntaxhighlight >

<code lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# note: command is avconv in some recent ubuntu
# note: command is avconv in some recent ubuntu
ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i "*.jpg" -vcodec libx264 -r 24 -crf 23 -vf "crop=640:400:0:0,unsharp=5:5:2" output.avi
ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i "*.jpg" -vcodec libx264 -r 24 -crf 23 -vf "crop=640:400:0:0,unsharp=5:5:2" output.avi
# if it complains about pattern_type, it's probably an old ffmpeg/avconv
# if it complains about pattern_type, it's probably an old ffmpeg/avconv
</syntaxhighlight >

===Capture straight to video===
===Capture straight to video===
Line 194: Line 194:

For the case of properties, you can scan the device simply be asking for a property and see if that leads to an error or not. A quick and dirty python script that itself runs ptpcam a bunch of times:
For the case of properties, you can scan the device simply be asking for a property and see if that leads to an error or not. A quick and dirty python script that itself runs ptpcam a bunch of times:
<code lang="python">
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
import subprocess
import subprocess
try_props =      range(0x5000,0x5020)
try_props =      range(0x5000,0x5020)
Line 202: Line 202:
   print "Checking for 0x%04x"%x
   print "Checking for 0x%04x"%x['./ptpcam','--show-property=%04x'%x])['./ptpcam','--show-property=%04x'%x])
</syntaxhighlight >

Revision as of 17:43, 11 September 2023

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Camera control

Timelapse notes

Images from webcam

If your (laptop-internal or attached) webcam is decent enough quality, it's potentially simplest.

For windows, I find that most timelapse software is somewhere between Utter Crap and Quirky-but-Workable - or paid-for and somewhat better (not necessarily much).

On linux you're likely using v4l/v4l2 (how exactly varies), but at least the tools are there. Examples:

  • xawtv's streamer (may be packaged separately, as it is on ubuntu)
# -r 1 for 1fps, -j 100 for little jpeg compression, 99999 basically meaning 'until you stop it'
streamer -o 00000.jpeg -s 640x480 -j 100 -t 99999 -r 1    
# doesn't do sequences, but we can fix that ourselves
let i=0
while [ $i -lt 99999 ];  do
  outfn=$(printf '%05d.jpg' $i)
  # or perhaps 
  #outfn=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`.jpg
  fswebcam -r 640x480 --jpeg 100 -D 1 --no-banner $outfn
  let i=$i+1

You can also use ffmpeg/avconv, mencoder, and vlc, though that tends to be a little more typing.

Images from PTP camera

Non-PTP solutions

Captured images to video

Since I'm a *nix person about these things, I use something along the lines of:

# In mencoder, and just throwing bitrate at it instead:
ls *.JPG | sort > filelist
mencoder -nosound -mf fps=24 -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=8000 mf://@filelist
# note: command is avconv in some recent ubuntu
ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i "*.jpg" -vcodec libx264 -r 24 -crf 23 -vf "crop=640:400:0:0,unsharp=5:5:2" output.avi
# if it complains about pattern_type, it's probably an old ffmpeg/avconv

Capture straight to video

PTP notes

(...technical notes. And probably quite outdated)

PTP as in Picture Transfer Protocol, used by various digital cameras to communicate.

If your camera shows up as a drive but not quite, a driver is probably talking PTP to it, and presenting your OS with something filesystem-like.

Aside from fetching files from the device, PTP also allows things like readout and setting of various camera properties. The exact interaction it allows may vary per camera series and model.

General PTP protocol notes

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Some PTP concepts:

  • Initiator, Responder - roughly, the client and server (respectively) in a connection
  • Operation - instructions that can be sent
    • Different devices support different commands. You can ask it for what it supports
  • Property - type/values that can be fetched.
    • Different devices support different sets of properties. You can ask it for what it supports
  • Events - often used to signal state changes (change in objects, stores, device parameter)
    • Different devices have different events. You can ask it for what it supports
    • Events are typically generated by the Responder
    • cameras should deal with synchronous and asynchronous events
    • can be in-band (same channel as operations and responses) or out of band (separate, and often requiring polling)
  • StorageID - 32-bit uint referring to something that can store objects. Two parts:
    • physical - highest 16 bits, referring to a distinct physical storage area in a device
    • logical - lowest 16 bits, possible subdivisions within a physical storage area
  • ObjectHandle - 32-bit uints referring to data objects and the structure between them
    • mostly files, directories, and tacking files onto each other
    • (see ObjectFormat(Code), in particular Association (0x3001), and see operations that take parent ObjectHandles)
    • You can create a (somewhat simplified) view a PTP device as a filesystem, and a various drivers for specific cameras do this to some degree to allow image download (and possibly more)
  • ObjectFormat - there are about three dozen of these codes, referring to various image and a few sound storage formats, and a range for vendor defined values.
  • Datacodes enumerate many of the concepts above. They are 16-bit uints, where the highest four bits declare the type of value.
    • Bit 15 is 0 for standard codes, 1 for vendor-defined codes
    • Bits 14..12 are:
      • 001: operation          ( 0x1000 range for standard, 0x9000 for vendor)
      • 010: response          ( 0x2000 range for standard, 0xA000 for vendor)
      • 011: object format    ( 0x3000 range for standard, 0xB000 for vendor)
      • 100: event               ( 0x4000 range for standard, 0xC000 for vendor)
      • 101: device property ( 0x5000 range for standard, 0xD000 for vendor)
      • The other combinations are undefined or reserved


This is lower-level, so mostly matters when you'll be looking at USB logs.

Containers all share the first 12 bytes:

   byte  byte
 offset  size
      0     4   overall container length
      4     2   container type (1=command, 2=data, 3=response, 4=event,   0=undefined)
      6     2   datacode  (what operation/response/event)
      8     4   transaction ID

This is followed by payload - up to the given container length. The payload's length is implied by the container's mentioned length, the payload's treatment by the type and code.

Command blocks:

  • payload consists of 32-bit parameters
  • No length mentioned in payload, but implied by container's mentioned length: the number of parameters is always exactly (container_length - 12)/4

Response blocks:

  • Same structure as command blocks.

Data blocks:

  • Payload structure not defined - depends entirely on the operation.

For example (big-endian byte log, and we're ignoring the transactionIDs):

0c 00 00 00  03 00  01 20  11 00 00 00                 
→ Length 12, response, code 2001 (OK), no parameters 

10 00 00 00  01 00  05 10  12 00 00 00  01 00 01 00
→ Length 16, command,  code 1005 (GetStorageInfo), 1 parameter (with value 0x10001)

See also:

Canon PTP notes

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Canon relies a lot on its own extensions.

There seems to be more than one extension set/behaviour to deal with, between different series of cameras, and sometimes within them (e.g. the longer-lived EOS series).

The below is meant as reference, not as description of any one camera. It is a union of notes from various sources, some specific to EOS series, some apparently from point-and-shoots with a completely different interface.


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I've seen libraries contain the following, which I'm guessing is for point and shoots:

(I've seen conflicting property names - not sure whether that was a single mistake in observation or overlaps between different series, so don't trust the following yet)

D001   Beep mode
D002   Battery type (Enumeration: 0,1,2,3,4,5, where 2 is Li?)
D003   Battery Mode (Enumeration: 0,1,2,3)
D006   Image quality
D008   Image size                   
D00A   Flash mode
D00C   Tv Av setting 
D010   Metering mode
D011   Macro mode               
D012   Focusing point                  
D013   White balance                     
D01C   ISO                           
D01D   Aperture                         
D01E   Shutter speed
D01F   Exposure Compensation
D02A   Zoom                               
D02C   Size Quality Mode  
D02D   Supported Thumb Size (?)
D02E   'Size of Output Data from Camera' (?)
D02F   'Size of Input Data to Camera' (?)
D030   Remote API version
D031   Flash memory (size?)          
D032   Camera Model                
D033   Camera Owner                
D034   Unix Time           
D036   Viewfinder mode 
D039   Real image width     
D040   Photo effect 
D041   Assist light     
D045   Event Emulate Mode  (?)
D046   DPOF Version        (?)
D047   Type of Slideshow   (?)
D048   Average Filesizes   (?)
D049   Model ID            (?)
D04a                                   (enumeration with values 0,1,2,3)


EOSes does not seem to use/support standard 0x5000-series parameters. Your everyday camera parameters are reported via EOS's own event stream, which is fetched via operation 0x9661.

Depending on camera, there may be very few reported properties - standard or vendor.

My EOS 400D (vendorID 0x04A9, prodID 0x3110) reports the following properties:

                                                           values I saw
D045	(Event Emulate Mode?)                                  2
D402	Device_Friendly_Name                                   "Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL"
D407	Perceived_Device_Type                                  1
D406	Session_Initiator_Version_Info                         "Unknown Initiator"
D049	(Model ID?)                                            0x80000236 (2147484214) 
D04A	                                                       0

EOSes still use datacodes that sit in the right sort of range (>=0xD100), but you use them in vendor-specific operations way, not as PTP properties. Known values include:

D101  Aperture
D102  ShutterSpeed
D103  ISO
D104  ExposureCompensation
D105  ShootingMode
D106  DriveMode
D107  ExpMeterringMode
D108  AFMode
D109  WhiteBalance
D110  PictureStyle
D111  TransferOption
D113  UnixTime
D120  ImageQuality
D1B0  LiveView
D11B  AvailableShots
D11C  CaptureDestination
D11D  BracketMode


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It seems you always get a good set of the standard 0x1001..0x101C range, to handle basic object, thumbnail, storage functions, so you can always fetch images from the device.

EOSes tend to support most of the common basic storage and object related operations:

1001	GetDeviceInfo
1002	OpenSession
1003	CloseSession
1004	GetStorageIDs
1005	GetStorageInfo
1006	GetNumObjects
1007	GetObjectHandles
1008	GetObjectInfo
1009	GetObject
100A	GetThumb
100B	DeleteObject
100C	SendObjectInfo
100D	SendObject
100F	FormatStore
1014	GetDevicePropDesc
1015	GetDevicePropValue
1016	SetDevicePropValue
101B	GetPartialObject


  • Missing from the full set: (this is for an EOS 400D)
    • 100E, InitiateCapture. You can use vendor code 910F instead
    • 1010, Reset
    • 1011, SelfTest
    • 1012, SetObjectProtection
    • 1013, PowerDown
    • 1017, ResetDevicePropValue
    • 1018, TerminateOpenCapture
    • 1019, MoveObject
    • 101A, CopyObject
    • 101C, InitiateOpenCapture
  • Point and shoots may also omit formatting, uploading, and possibly the setting of properties

Added operations (note: names are descriptions copy-pasted from libraries, which probably chose them):

   9001..9021 doesn't seem to apply to EOS (except some of the earliest?), seems to be for point and shoots
9001   GetObjectSize
9008   StartShootingMode
9009   StopShootingMode
900B   ViewfinderOn
900C   ViewfinderOff
900D   ReflectChanges
9013   CheckEvent             (also on EOS, the only <9100 there?)
9014   FocusLock
9015   FocusUnlock
901A   InitiateCaptureInMemory 
901B   GetPartialObject 
901D   GetViewfinderImage 
9020   GetChanges
9021   GetFolderEntries
     EOS operations seems to use codes >=0x9100
9101	EOS_GetStorageIDs
9102	EOS_GetStorageInfo
9107	EOS_GetObject
9108	EOS_GetDeviceInfo
9109	EOS_GetObjectIDs
910F	EOS_Capture
9110	EOS_SetDevicePropValue
9114	EOS_SetPCConnectMode                         1 request parameter, seen taking value 0x00000001
9115	EOS_SetExtendedEventInfo  SetEventMode
9116	EOS_GetEvent              
9117	EOS_TransferComplete
9118	EOS_CancelTransfer
9119	EOS_ResetTransfer
911A	                                             3 request parameters
911C	                                             0 request parameters
911D	KeepDeviceOn
9126                                                0 request parameters
9127   EOS_GetDevicePropValue   
9128   RemoteReleaseOn
9129   RemoteReleaseOff
9153   GetViewFinderData  GetLiveViewPicture   (where supported)
9155   MoveFocus

9801	GetObjectPropsSupported
9802	GetObjectPropDesc
9803	GetObjectPropValue
9804	SetObjectPropValue
9805	GetObjectPropList

Operation notes - non-EOS
Operation notes - EOS


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Added event codes:

C00c   CAMERA MODE CHANGED           


Standard events:

4004	StoreAdded
4005	StoreRemoved
4006   DevicePropChanged
4009	RequestObjectTransfer

Added event codes, EOS:

C189   DevPropChanged
C181   ObjectCreated
C18A   DevPropValuesAccepted
C18B   Capture
C18E   HalfPushReleaseButton

Slightly more practical stuff

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Downloading images mostly consists of listing the handles for present images, then fetching them by handle.


Apparently these cameras have a FIFO for events that you can poll - which (on EOSes) is what operation 9116 (EventCheck) is for.

Current shooting parameters are part of that - which is also why the Remote Shooting utility calls 9116 twice per second. If you want to understand (and send) camera parameters, you'll need to be able to parse event records. Example from here:

2C 00 00 00 02 00 16 91 0D 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 8E C1 00 00 10 00 00 00 
89 C1 00 00 02 D1 00 00 5B 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

In parts:

2C 00 00 00    Length: 44
02 00          type 2: data packet
16 91          operation code 0x9116
0D 00 00 00    transaction id  (probably handled by your PTP library)
               The payload:
08 00 00 00    - Event record of length 8
8E C1 00 00          event code for     HalfPushReleaseButton
10 00 00 00    - Event record of length 16
89 C1 00 00          event code for     DevPropChanged (the most important one)
02 D1 00 00          Property code for  Exposure time
5B 00 00 00          Value indicating   1/20 sec
08 00 00 00    - Event record of length 8
00 00 00 00          (a null record as terminator)

Since event record describe their own size, you can easily choose to ignore any event for which you don't recognize or want to handle.

Basic operation response codes that matter when you're playing around yourself:

0x2001  OK
0x2005  OperationNotSupported
0x2019  DeviceBusy
and perhaps
0x200C  StoreFull
