Flash memory

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On fake flash

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Fake flash refers to a scam where cards's controller reports a larger size than the actual storage has.

These seem to come in roughly two variants:

addressing storage that isn't there will fail,
or it will wrap back on itself and write in existing area.

...which isn't an important distinction, in that the result is just that it appears to be broken. It will seem to work for a little while, and in both cases it will corrupt later.

There are some tools to detect fake flash. You can e.g. read out what flash memory chips are in there and whether that adds up. Scammers don't go so far to fake this.

But the more thorough check is a write-and-verify test, see below.

Memory card health

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

While memory cards and USB sticks are flash memory much like SSDs, most lack all wear leveling and health introspection.

So you should assume that they will fail completely, without warning.

At lower level, even if they are still completely readable (and that's not a guarantee), filesystems are not made to deal with write failure, so you may need special tools and/or a technical friend for recovery.

You can check whether it's still readable (non-destructive) with test consisting of "read all disk surface" (for chkdsk it's the 'scan for an attempt recovery of bad sectors" checkbox)

The only real test of whether it's fully writable is to write to all of it (necessarily destructive). But this only proves that it hasn't failed already, not that it won't soon.

One useful tool is H2testw, which creates a file in free space (if empty, then almost all the SD card)

It will also tell you actual average write and read speed, not the potential lie on the front.

And implicitly be a fake flash test.

What's stored