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softmax (sometimes called softargmax, normalized exponential function, and other things )

  • takes a vector of numbers
(any scale)
  • returns a same-length vector of probabilities
all in 0 .. 1
that sum to 1.0

Note that it is not just normalization, nor is it just a way to bring out the strongest answer.

The exponent in its internals, plus the "will sum to 1.0 part" will mean things shift around in a non-linear way, so even relative probabilities already in in 0..1 and summing to 1.0 will change, e.g.

softmax([1.0,0.5,0.1]) ~= 0.5, 0.3, 0.2,
softmax([0.5, 0.3, 0.2]) ~= 0.4, 0.31, 0.28

The name might suggest to you it is a numerically smoothed maximum. It is not.

It is much closer to argmax A smooth approximation to the arg max function: the function whose value is the index of a vector's largest element. In fact, the term "softmax" is also used for the closely related LogSumExp function, which is a smooth maximum. For this reason, some prefer the more accurate term "softargmax", but the term "softmax" is conventional in machine learning.[3][4] This section uses the term "softargmax" to emphasize this interpretation.