Command line windows
...focusing on things useful for sysadmins,
makeshift installers batch-scripts,
and such.
Perhaps best known for getting a command line window from Start menu → Run... or Windows-R, then styping cmd.exe
Can also be useful for batch scripts. Then often used with /c, meaning 'close after the specified command is done'
start, start.exe
There is a START command (usable in cmd.exe windows, batch scripts, and such) that is a more flexible way of running things, can for example start without creating a window, start it minimized.
Note that the title argument is required, so if you don't care about a title, specify ""
There are third-party tools that imitate the command, often to avoid having a visible cmd.exe window (e.g. installers, login scripts, CD/USB autorun)
- start.exe
(Note: as with any common tool, there is malware that overwrites them)
For example, you can unregister the DLLs that do Media thumbnails and previews in windows.