Computational complexity theory notes

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Note that this page will be informal, it is meant to introduce the basic ideas, and leave the the harder math to those actually interested. If you want to understand this more thoroughly, get a book or go to university:)

Note also that there are other things named complexity theory[1]. This is the one about categories of computational problems.


Complexity theory...

  • deals not with exactly how many operations or execution time is needed, but with how fast execution time increases with increasing problem size
  • largely to allow comparison between (classes of) algorithms in terms of efficiency
  • can analyse algorithms for best, worst and average case of input (can be a useful distinction)
  • uses complexity classes to organize problems and solutions into classes of decidability and solvability

Complexity theory is useful to tell you

how fast computation will get out of hand,
when you want to know whether there is a better class of algorithm to solve a problem you have,
places where inexact estimations may help you structurally rather than barely


Some useful concepts

The basic operation

small enough / large enough n

Discarding lower order things

Equal complexity

Running times and their names

Worst, average and best case; amortized analysis

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Big-O and little-o

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Θ (Theta)

Ω (Omega)

ω (omega)

complexity classes

Some of the common classes

Commonly mentioned:

P and NP

NP-complete (NP-C, NPC)


See also (complexity classes)

Some other details

Less usual

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

See also