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Soy is a legume grown for its beans.

Soy is a good and cheap source of protein, and moderately healthy - has some minerals and vitamins you need.


Tofu is the curd of coagualted soy milk.


Soybean fermented with a specific bacterium.

Strong smell and flavour, and somewhat slimy, so can be an acquired taste.


Soybeans fermented with a specific fungus, and other ingredients. Many but not all variants are salty.

The result is useful for pickling, and as base for e.g. sauces, soup.

Fermented bean paste

A series of pastes based on ground fermented soybean (sometimes involving other beans).

Generally savoury, sometimes spicy, generally used as flavouring or sometimes condiment.

Soy milk

Soy milk is an emulsion of oil, water, and protein, made by soaking soy beans and grinding them with water.

See also

Tempeh Soy category