GoPro notes

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Power draw

Assume that standby showing video and/or charging takes under 0.5A, and charging while previewing, or active recording, can take nearer 1A. It may be 0.7 with simpler settings, e.g. lower framerate, resolution, hypersmooth off (note that 'stationary video' mode does some of that).

The recommendation for a 2A power supply seems not to be because it uses that much, but because there's a lot of crappy USB power supplies out there, and even if it says 5V 1A it may not do that so well.

Battery related

Batteries for various models are around 1.7Ah, so expect maybe 90..120 minutes of recording under simpler settings, maybe half that with maximum quality.[1]

Charging should take two hours, on a dedicated charger (inside a GoPro it may take more - or the same two-ish hours with a good USB power supply - GoPro themselves sell one, which may be a little overpriced but seems a known good quantity).

It seems that on USB power, you might get either recording (while on) or charging (while off or previewing(verify)), but not recording and charging at the same time presumably a decision based on considerations of heat and/or power source capability?

As such, there are footnotes to using it as a long-term dashcam or perpetual webcam, to the sound of 'not guaranteed by gopro, but there seem to be ways'.


Can you power the thing through USB without the battery? (a.k.a. passthrough power)

On many models, yes. Note that you need the power source, and the cable, to be able to carry enough current for whatever you're doing.

It needs to be able to comfortably supply 1A. Recommendations are for things more capable than that.

The GoPro itself seems to do a basic test (illustrated by the fact you can disable this ), though I'm not sure whether this is a charging protocol thing or a voltage depression test.

If it doesn't power on, it failed that test. You can tell it to just trust the power source, but not via standard settings, and it's not a good idea (no guarantee for stability) unless you know what you're doing.

In some ways USB without battery will also run colder (because there's no charging going on) meaning less risk of heat-based shutdown, though note that a stationary GoPro (wedged into a setup) doesn't get air-cooled as much as the designers may have assumed so that's not a guarantee.

USB power on and trigger

Labs firmware

===QR control fragments

Camera mode mV mVP performance mVE endurance mVS stationary ()

Audio and video settings

  • FPS

p24 p25 p30 p50 p60 p100 p120 p200 p240

Wind reduction

aS off
aS on
aA auto

Video settings


fW0 wide
fN narrow
fL0 linear
fH linear+HL
fS superview
fV hyperview (11)
Max Lens Mod
oX1fW enable wide
oX1fX enable superview
oX0 disable MLM

  • spot metering
oSM0 disable spot
oSM50,50 position=middle
(exposure lock)


  • reset t0
  • color: tcG for vibrant, tcN for natural (10/11), tcF for flat
  • depth (11 only?): td0 for 8-bit, td1 for 10-bit
  • white balance
twA for auto
twN for native
tw23 for 2300K
tw28 for 2800K
tw32 for 3200K
tw40 for 4000K
tw45 for 4500K
tw50 for 5000K
tw55 for 5500K
tw60 for 6000K
tw65 for 6500K
  • minimum and maximum ISO
e.g. twNi8M2 for 200 to 800, twNi64M64 for 6400; numbers are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and min can't be higher than max
  • lock shutter
ti64S0 auto
ti64S360 360
ti64S180 180
ti64S90 90
ti64S45 45
ti64S22 22
(ti64S10, ti64S5, ti64S2)
  • EV compensation
  • sharpness
tsL low
tsM medium
tsH high

Processing options

  • Hypersmooth
oX0e0 off
oX0e1 on
oX0e2 high
oX0e3 boost
oX0e4 auto (11)
  • hindsight
hS0 off
hS1 15ec
hS2 30sec
  • duration
dR0 off
dR15 15sec
dR30 30sec
dR60 1min
dR300 5min
dR900 15min
dR3600 1hr
dR3600 2hr
dR9999 3hr

  • camera auto off
    • oR0C0 (never), oR0C1 (1 min), oR0C5 (5 min), oR0C15 (15 min), oR0C30 (30 min), possibly more
  • display auto off
    • oR0C0S (never), oR0C0S1 (1 min), oR0C0S2 (2 min), oR0C0S3 (3 min), possibly more

  • WiFi
oR0C0W0 (off)
oR0C0W1 (on)
oR0C0W2 (2.4 only)
oR0C0W5 (5 only)


  • GPS:
g0 for off, g1 for on
  • Voice control:
v0 for off, v1 for on
  • voice language
oR0C0L0 US english
oR0C0L01 UK english
oR0C0L02 AUS english
oR0C0L03 IND english
oR0C0L1 German
oR0C0L2 French
oR0C0L3 Italian
oR0C0L4 EU spanish
oR0C0L41 NA spahish
oR0C0L5 Chinese
oR0C0L6 Japanese
oR0C0L7 Korean
oR0C0L8 Portuguese
oR0C0L9 Russian
oR0C0L91 Swedish
  • QuikCapture
means that the record button can be used to power on and record, which you may want during action (and probably not while it's packed)
q0 for off, q1 for on
  • default mode
dL for last, dV for video, dP for photo, dT for timelapse
  • beep volume
oV0, oV1, oV4, oV7, oV8, oV9, possibly more?
  • display brightness
oB1, oB4, oB7, oB9, maybe more?
  • LEDs
oD0 (all off), oD2 (rear only), oD4 (all on)
  • orientation lock
oR0 (unlocked), oR1, oR2, oR2, oR2,
  • set time, e.g. oT230731161750 meaning 2023, jul, 31, 16:17:50


  • start capturing at boot [2]
  • start capturing based on speed (from GPS)
    • !SK30 over 30km/h
    • !SK30-90 30 to 90km/h
    • SK5-10H3 5 to 10km/h with 3s hold time
  • start capturing based on gyroscope and/or accelerometer (e.g. for drone use) [3]

  • start capturing based on video motion
    • !SM1
  • start capturing based on time
  • start capture based on sound [4]

Even more advanced stuff

Use as webcam

There is a "GoPro Webcam desktop utility"[5].

It talks to the GoPro over USB, though using some custom faff to do so, instead of being a standard UVC device, which also takes over control over the GoPro in a way that isn't fully integrated with everything else. It will absolutely act as a webcam and if that's enough you're good - but it doesn't seem to pick up the same camera settings (e.g. ISO) you set in the video mode, you may not get remote control at the same time, and other such details.

Also, in my experience this was not very reliable - it would sometimes stop communication in a way that only a reboot seemed to fix