Computer task switching from an analogy perspective

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(See also Computer task switching from a programmer perspective)

Have you ever gotten the question, or wanted to ask, "but how many cores and threads do I make this computation use?" or "what's this about MPIs and threads?"

In my technician mind, the answer is something like "maybe you should processes/MPI to half the amount of CPU cores (because people tend to buy Intel for compute for some reason, and HyperThreading means tasks will contend for FPUs which are shared between HT cores, so you should think in physical cores rather than virtual cores). Maybe two threads-per-process, because while you get better scheduling, on platter disk you are very soon contending for their spins (but IOPS is an imperfect idea) is likely to make things worse due to seek overhead, something that doesn't happen at all on SSD so maybe forget that in the future (and a little different yet on RAID when perhaps you have tweaked readahead for your application), though cache contention and memory saturation can also make or break some of that, and delays can work out differently on Xeons boards because of local-versus-QPI-accessed memory, and last but not least the relatively localized CPU caches.".

I could go on - I hadn't even started on threads yet.

...and then I'll say "about ten processes", and "no threads unless the compute program specifically told you it's useful", because it's a middle of the road answer, will work well enough on all but the most overspecced single hosts, or unusually IO intensive jobs.

Because if you do give a technical answer, people's eyes just glaze over. And rightly so - not even I really want to think about all that.

And they'll ask again next week, seeing if they can get a clearer answer.

(And the select few who do care to understand what the terms mean, and tweak for best use, or use clusters and want to do so efficiently, will ask more questions anyway)


Okay, so....