Ethernet notes

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Common Ethernet speeds

Classically we had

  • 10 MBit (e.g. 10BaseT, 80s?), now rare but still supported,
  • 100 MBit (e.g. 100BASE-TX, 1996?)
  • 1 GBit (e.g. 1000BaseT, 1999?)

...all of which are available on at least 8P8C ('RJ45') plugs/wiring.

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet standard is also fairly old now (2002), but the hardware requirements and related cost mean no one cared about it in less than professional settings.

That said,

  • 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T (2016) started appearing in NICs, and fill a need / upgrade path.
  • Automotive does things like 100BASE-T1 (2016?), 1000BASE-T1 (2016), and 10BASE-T1S and 10BASE-T1L (2019) over a single pair with a short length

8P8C wiring

See Network_wiring_notes_-_8P8C_/_RJ45#What_you_were_probably_looking_for:_Ethernet

Power over Ethernet

PoE is useful to install devices where finding wall power would take a bunch more more installation bother, and running just the network cable a.

In the early days of PoE, there were a bunch of different non-standard solutions, with varying details, incompatibilities.

Some required electrical knowledge and/or had some risk of damaging devices - in particular the DIY variant of just taking out some of the pairs on both ends and putting DC voltage on them. This works, but but errors can be costly, and aiming for the right voltage can be finicky.

These days, it's usually IEEE standard PoE, which is a little pricier, yet

means you don't need to be an electrical expert to get it right
avoids (potentially damaging) incompatibilities between varying proprietary implementations
means no significant power will be drawn until both sides negotiate and agree
means you can mix standard PoE and non-PoE with little to no risk

Standardized PoE

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

For typical ethernet, you are looking for IEEE 802.3af, 802.3at, 802.3bt:

  • IEEE 802.3af
From 2003
defines four choices, inserting up to 15.4 W of DC power (48V, 100mA to 400mA), expect to get no more than maybe 13W, less over longer wires (dissipation, etc).
  • IEEE 802.3at, a.k.a. PoE+
From 2009, updates the earlier one with some specifics.
adds one more choice, inserting up to 30W, expect to get 25W of that
  • IEEE 802.3bt, a.k.a. PoE++ or 4PPoE (it seems 4PPoE at one time was also a name used for pre-standard implementations?(verify))
Two revisions some years apart, together introduced four more choices
type 3 inserting up to ~60W (expect to get ~50W of that)
later type 4 up to ~100W (expect to get ~70W of that)
also added support for 2.5GBASE-T, 5GBASE-T and 10GBASE-T(verify)

The standards are backwards compatible in this order, and each adding higher-power modes and a few features.

(Separately, there's IEEE 802.3bu, for single-pair ethernet of various speeds, which seems to be called PoDL instead(verify))

See also

Ghetto fix PoE

Consider a DIY project with Ethernet. Such projects are almost invariably fine using 100Mbit speeds, meaning you're got two pairs not being used.

If you do not insert those pairs into the 8P8C plug on either end, then you you run no risk of directly connecting power into a network card, and you can generally get away with using the others for other things.

Since ethernet cable is often 24-gauge (sometimes 26-gauge) wire.

In theory a single 24 AWG is good for maybe 2A, but stay under 1A for peace of mind. If you use both both unused pairs, it's that times two.

You'll get a little voltage drop over a long wire, so on more than a few meters, do some V=IR calculation. A supply with a few volts more, and a regulator on the receiving end, can make a lot of sense for some setups.

Yes, you will get a little crosstalk from these power pairs because the wires are so close, and carrying power is more current (so more EM field) than that cable is designed for, and depending on what you power you may have some switching noise.

There are ways to make that less messy.

Single-pair ethernet