Command line windows

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...focusing on things useful for sysadmins, makeshift installers batch-scripts, and such.


Perhaps best known for getting a command line window from Start menuRun... or Windows-R, then styping cmd.exe

Can also be useful for batch scripts. Then often used with /c, meaning 'close after the specified command is done'

start, start.exe

There is a START command (usable in cmd.exe windows, batch scripts, and such) that is a more flexible way of running things, can for example start without creating a window, start it minimized.

Note that the title argument is required, so if you don't care about a title, specify ""

There are third-party tools that imitate the command, often to avoid having a visible cmd.exe window (e.g. installers, login scripts, CD/USB autorun)

  • start.exe

(Note: as with any common tool, there is malware that overwrites them)


This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.


This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

For example, you can unregister the DLLs that do Media thumbnails and previews in windows.

See also