Command line and bash notes

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Safer/cleaner scripts

Shell expansion

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.


Bash shell expansion is the following sections - and apply in that order.

While powerful and brief, it's also hard to truly understand, depends on environment settings (environment variables, shell options), so it will bite you and if you want something robust it's best avoided.

Usually the suggestion is to use a scripting language, one where it is easier to be correct, clear, and still brief. ( not perl). Python is an option, due to it being ubiquitous in modern linux.

For example, can you say why

for fn in `ls *.txt`; do echo $n; done

is a problem while

for fn in *.txt; do echo $n; done

is mostly-fine-except-for-a-footnote-or-two?

And which those footnotes are?

And what a better variant is?

Some examples below are demonstrated via a command called argshow. Make this yourself:

printf "%d args:" $#
printf " <%s>" "$@"

brace expansion

Combinatorial expansion:

# echo {a,b,c}{3,2,1}
a3 a2 a1 b3 b2 b1 c3 c2 c1
# echo a{d,c,b}e
ade ace abe
ls -l /usr/{bin,sbin}/h* 

Sequence expression (integers):

# echo {1..6}
1 2 3 4 5 6
# echo {1..10..2}                                                                                                                                                                           
1 3 5 7 9

Sequence expression (characters, in C locale):

# echo {a..f}
a b c d e f                 


  • Expanded left to right.
  • order is preserved as specified, not sorted
  • things stuck to the braces on the outside are treated as preamble (to prepend to each result) and postscript (to append to each result), see second example
  • single list is effectively
  • when using it for filenames, keep in mind that
it generates names without requiring they exist
it happens before pathname expansion (meaning you can combine with globs - and that you should consider cases where they don't expand)
  • may be nested, is treated flattened(verify)
# echo {1,2}-{{_,-},{X,Y,Z}}                                                                                                                                                                
1-_ 1-- 1-X 1-Y 1-Z 2-_ 2-- 2-X 2-Y 2-Z 
# echo {a,b}{{_,-}{X,Y,Z}}                                                                                                                                                                  
a{_X} a{_Y} a{_Z} a{-X} a{-Y} a{-Z} b{_X} b{_Y} b{_Z} b{-X} b{-Y} b{-Z}
# echo {00{1..9},0{10..50}}
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 
026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 
  • can't combine sequence and set (e.g. {1,3..5} works as two string elements)

See also:

tilde expansion

The two best-known two:

  • ~ is your shell's home directory
some footnotes with su
  • ~username is their home path

And these can start path expressions, e.g. ls -l ~/.ssh ~nobody/.ssh

Keep in mind this comes from the account database, and do not necessarily expand/exist, in which case you'll get back the tilde'd string as-is.

There are a few others, such as ~+ and ~- for the current and previous working directory ($PWD and $OLDPWD) - note that the latter initially isn't set in a shell.

you may like the latter as the special-cased cd -

parameter/variable expansion

On delimiting

The bracket style ${var} allows more unambiguous delimiting (and don't need whitespace to delimit between it and other things).

It also allows the conditional replacement mentioned below.

When you need neither of those, then the slightly shorter $var style is fine.


o="One";t="Two" ; echo $otfoo ; echo $o t foo ; echo ${o}t foo ; echo ${o}${t}foo

Conditional replacement

Warning if not set

${VAR:?message} - when if VAR is unset or null, bash complains with the message (but does not stop a script)
# yn="";echo ${yn:?Missing value}
-bash: yn: Missing value

Return this value if not set

${VAR:-word} where if VAR is unset or null, (the expansion of) word is returned instead
# Take device from first command line argument, default to eth0 if not given
# Reports all files containing a certain pattern. Call like:  
#   fileswith greppattern [file [file...]]

shift # consume that pattern from the cmdline arglist so we can use @:
grep -l $PATTERN $FILES | tr '\n' ' '

"If variable not set, return this other value and assign to the variable":

#If ans was set, keep its value. 
#If ans was not set, will return no and set ans to it.
#nice in that later code can safely assume it is set
echo $ans

"Use given value when set at all"

For example "any actual answer is taken as 'yes', non-answers are unchanged"

yn="";echo ${yn:+yes}
yn="wonk";echo ${yn:+yes}

Pattern and substring stuff

${var%pattern} and ${var%%pattern}

...removes a string from the end of var. Allowing globs, and

Say you have


...and want to handle them as sets, then one way is look for all firsts, strip down to the base, and expand again:

for fn in *-001.txt; do
 echo == $basename ==
 echo $basename*
 # cat $basename* > ${basename}-all.txt

will print

== a ==
a-001.txt a-002.txt
== b == 
b-001.txt b-002.txt b-003.txt b-004.txt
== c ==

The difference between % and %% is that when you use a glob, % will remove the shortest match and %% the longest, e.g.

$ export v=abcabcabc
$ echo ${v%b*c}
$ echo ${v%%b*c}

${var#pattern} and ${var##pattern}

Remove a string from the start of var, allowing globs, again shortest and longest.

For example:

  • ${0##*/} is a good imitation to get the basename of the script
  • ${filename##*.} gets the filename's extension

Applied to filenames

arithmetic expansion

Basically, using $(( expr )) evaluates expr according to shell arithmetic rules

command substitution

The following will be replaced by stdout from that command


(the former is mildly preferred in that it has fewer edge cases in parsing characters)


  • it's executed in a subshell
  • trailing newlines are stripped
  • note that word splitting applies, except when this appears in double quotes (single quotes would avoid evaluation)
# argshow $(echo a b)
2 args: <a> <b>            
# argshow "$(echo a b)"
1 args: <a b>
# argshow '$(echo a b)'
1 args: <$(echo a b)>
  • $(< file) is done without subshell(verify) so is faster than $(cat file)
  • can be nested
(backquote style needs escaped backquotes to do so)
echo $(echo $(ls)) 
echo `echo \`ls\``
  • evaluated left-to-right

word splitting

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

Word splitting is something shells will easily do to string input.

Most of what you need to know:

  • Word splitting is performed on almost all unquoted expansions
  • if no expansion occurs, no splitting will occur either (verify)
  • Will split on any run of the characters in $IFS
if unset, default is whitespaces
if set to empty string (a.k.a null), no splitting occurs

If IFS isn't set, it defaults to act like \ \t\n (space, tab, newline).

which is why it misbehaves around files with spaces in them. One partial workaround is to remove space from $IFS, i.e. set it to tab-and-newline.
IFS=$(echo -en "\t\n")  # echo call to parse these; IFS="\t\n" would actual be those four characters
for fn in `ls *.txt`; do echo $fn; done
unset IFS # unless you want everything late to behave differently

These delimiters are ignored at the edges (so empty-argument results are avoided)

You can use IFS for other tricks, like:

while read username pwd uid gid gecos home shell 
   echo $username
done < "/etc/passwd"
unset IFS


  • Double-quoting suppresses word splitting,
  • ...except for "$@" and "${array[@]}"
  • no word splitting in
    • bash keywords such as ... and case (verify)
    • expansions in assignments
  • You can see what's in IFS currently with something like echo -n "$IFS"
20 09 0a is space tab newline
echo -n means it won't add its own newline, doublequoting means avoids do word splitting :)

pathname expansion

Other notes

Execution related


In unices, when the kernel is asked to take a file and execute it (exec family of calls), it looks either what kind of format it is - e.g. a known binary type like ELF or a.out, or #! - if those are the the first two characters in a text file the kernel is told to execute, that script will be executed as if you were running

rest_of_hashbang_line original_arguments

It's called hashbang, or shebang, naming the characters.

For example:

print( "now it'll be run with python" )


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# -f is the awk option for 'take commands from following filename'
# and highlights how literal the 'we append the hashbang and the original arguments and exec that' is


#!/bin/bash -x
# -x means "bash, please print the commands you construct before you execute them", useful in debug
echo "You can make bash show what it's doing as it's doing it"
sleep 1

It seems that exactly which part of the system handles a hashbang (and, technically, whether a space can follow the exclamation mark) may differ per OS and environment, but you can assume it always works.

When a file is executable but has no hashbang, it is run by /bin/sh(verify)


For context

Hashbangs are often very specific about the path to the executable.

Sometimes that makes it a useful way of controlling which of installed alternatives is getting used.

But for exactly the same reason, it's also not portable: you hardcode the path, and thereby assume that that path will be the same on absolutely all systems this gets run on. (maybe you said /usr/bin/mytool it's at /usr/bin/mytool).

Using the executable's name without a path won't work on most platforms, because hashbangs to work even outside shells (and ought to, for system reasons), so there is no reason to assume PATH has been set (unless we hacked it in, and then the question would become how).

env is the middle ground: it is a specific tool that makes a more predictable way of getting a PATH into this mechanism. the only absolute path that matters overall is the path to env itself (which doesn't technically have a specced path in things like POSIX, so while it's almost always /usr/bin/env, I have seen reports of /bin/env).

Actually, the initial point of env seems to have been (verify) to modify the environment, e.g. to shield scripts from knowing as much about your system.

For example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl


#!/usr/bin/env python3


#!/usr/bin/env bash

'bad interpreter: no such file or directory' and you find an an ^M at the end of the interpreter name

There are windows-style newlines in the script.

While the interpreter that you would run would usually has no problem with that while reading the file, the hashbang line should not have one.

Using an editor to remove that one is usually enough, though many editors hide such newline details from you out of convenience.

You could just run the whole script through dos2unix (or another such translator).

Run one copy of yourself / check whether program is already running

If you're checking for a copy of yourself:

  • the more robust way is to actually communicate it, e.g.
abstract sockets where possible - is like unix sockets but avoids the need for file cleanup
linux-only, though
unix sockets. Has footnotes related to cleanup.
pidfile-like conastruction e.g. in /tmp. Has footnotes related to cleanup.
if you're a network service, you can often test for a very simple known response. (But has to take a port)
if you're graphical, you can now often assume DBus (still an assumption)
  • easy but not robust/portable
if you've set up as a service Init systems and service management
pidof myname (caveats around process naming)
parse ps output (ps output may vary over time / between systems)
parse /proc (not portable, may vary over time)
  • use advisory locking via the filesystem
e.g. flock

Assuming you may


Double dash is used to signify end of option argument, i.e. that only positional arguments follow (to be taken literally)

For example

  • it is useful to prevent a filename from being interpreted as program argument.
for example
if you wanted to remove a file called -v,
running rm -v would just get you a "missing operand" error,
and what you want is rm -- -v
  • When running sub-programs, especially security-related ones, -- can be a good tool/habit to protect programs against injecting arguments.

As is something that argument parsing chooses to adhere to when interpreting the argument array,

various (but not all) bash builtins understand --
some programs understand --

Stopping something that seems to ignore Ctrl-C

Some programs capture (and ignore) Ctrl-C, often because you should shut them down more elegantly. If it's, say, your database engine, check how instead of doing the above.

If you're not worried about side effects, then

Suspend it instead:


then probably do a:

kill %%   # or kill via the job number it just gave you, e.g. %1

Note that when it's ignoring Ctrl-C because it's in uninterruptable sleep, doing the above means it will exit - but only eventually, because by design that process will only wake once it gets what it was waiting for (and only then be able to respond to this queued signal).

Stopping a script between loop commands

Process management

Selecting and stopping: pidof, kill, killall

When you don't have a GUI or shell way of killing a program, you'll have to use slightly harsher means when you want to kill a program. The old fashioned way is to get its process id with pidof and then use kill or, failing that, kill -9.

The difference is that the former defaults to the TERM signal (15) which can be received by the process which can choose to shut down nicely - in fact, signals are used for more than termination. (Particular HUP (hangup, 1) has been used as a 'reload configuration files' signal). The signal just mentioned 9, KILL, is untrappable and instructs the kernel to kill the process somewhat harshly. It is the surest way to kill, but means no cleanup in terms of child processes, IO, and such ((verify) which), so should only be used if the default TERM didn't work.

Kill takes a process id, which you can get from top, ps and others., or more directly via pidof. Using killall enables you to use a process name instead of a PID. Summarizing:

# pidof firefox-bin
8222 8209 8208 8204
# kill 8222 8209 8208 8204
# kill `pidof firefox-bin`
# killall firefox-bin

You do have to match the actual name. For example, if firefox is a script that runs an actual executable called firefox-bin, then killall firefox doesn't always do you much good.

As a regular user you can only kill their own processes, root can kill anything (except some kernel processes).

Processes will not die while they are in IOwait. This usually doesn't matter, unless it is blocked on a single call for a very long time. You'll want to take away the thing they are blocked on before they'll die. This may not be a simple task.

Shell stuff I occasionally look up


This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

The concept is:

for body in Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune; do
   echo $planet

You can use some commands well, like:

for lastoct in `seq 2 254`; do
  echo "192.168.0.$lastoct"

...but note you've now involved word splitting.

This becomes more pressing around variables, where doublequotes are advisable to avoid word splitting, e.g.:

for arg in "$var1" "$var2"; do 
  echo $arg

It's also important around listing/wildcarding filenames due to the characters they may contain (particularly space). I personally avoid doing this with for; things like find + xargs may be a little more learning, but more flexible, e.g. allowing specific file filtering, and footnotes like parallel execution.


Mostly: See test, and a few of the notes for for

syntax error near unexpected token done

...often means you didn't put a semicolon/newline between the condition and do

A poor man's watch, which I use to get shell colors without forcing them:

while true
  echo ls
  sleep 1

# Or as a one-liner
while true; do echo ls; sleep 1; done 

# You can use 
#while :           
#while [ 1 ] 
# ...if you find them easier to remember


  • : is a historical shorthand for true, and is also sometimes useful as a short no-op

Redirecting, basic

  • < feed file into stdin
  • > write stdout to file (overwrite contents)
  • >> write stdout to file, appending if it already exists

For example:

ls dir1 > listing       # would overwrite each time
ls dir2 >> listing      # would append if exists
sort  <listing  >sorted_listing

By default this applies to stream 1, stdout, because that's where most programs put their most pertinent output.

The standard streams are numbered, and (unless redirected) are:

  • stdin is 0
  • stdout is 1
  • stderr is 2

So e.g.

find >output 2>errors
# or, equivalently
find 1>output 2>errors


This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

Piping is redirecting between programs.

When starting multiple processes, you redirect an output stream from one to the input stream of another.

For example:

locate etc/ | less

cat infile | sort | tee sorted_list | uniq > unique_list

This can also be combine with redirection, e.g.

find . 2>&1 | less   # don't ignore the errors

Redirecting, fancier

You'll want to know that there is some syntax variation (particurly between shells). In bash,

&> filename
>& filename
are equivalent, and short for:
>filename 2>&1
i.e. stdout and stderr are written to the same file, because it says:
write stdout to filename
write stderr to what stdout currently points to

Also, some of this is specific to bash

e.g. dash[2] will trip over >& saying Syntax error: Bad fd number)}}

Consider how multiple requests are handled - primarily that changes are processed in order. Consider:

prog >x 2>&1 >y
This means:
connect stdout to file named x
connect stderr to what stdout currently points to (which is the file named x) (actually duplicates the file descriptor(verify))
connect stdout to file named y
The net effect is "connect stderr to a file named x, and stdout to a file named y".

Redirection, less common

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

The tee utility copies stdin to stdout verbatim and writes it to the named file

This is sometimes a nice streaming thing, though usually just for command brevity

# log output and show it live
find / 2>&1 | tee allfiles

# writes both sorted and unique list
cat infile | sort | tee sorted_list | uniq > unique_list

<< (bash-specific, not bourne?(verify)) - pipe in a here document [3]

    • Example: TODO

<<< (bash-specific, not bourne?) - here string [4]

    • goes through most interpretation. Some use this syntax primarily for its short command substitution
    • Example: TODO

pv utility copies stdin to stdout and prints how fast on stderr.

can be nice to see how fast data is moving through
can deal with showing multiple streams. E.g. to test how people's homedirs would compress on average
tar cvf - /home 2>/dev/null | pv -c -N RAW | pigz -3 - | pv -c -N COMP > /dev/null

See also:

piping/catching both stdout and stderr

📃 These are primarily notes, intended to be a collection of useful fragments, that will probably never be complete in any sense.

When you call an external program and read from one stream, you typically use blocking reads for simple 'wait until it does something' logic.

Doing that from both stdout and stderr is a potential problem, in that you can have output on one while not getting any on the other. Usually you can get away with this, but it can produce deadlock-like situations.

Generally, you want to either:

  • use non-blocking reads (probably in a loop with a small sleep to avoid hammering the system with IO)
  • test streams with select() before read()ing
    • In some cases, your OS or language (standard) libary does not expose select(), you cannot find the file descriptor to select on, it does not let you select on pipes, or some other problem.

Other workarounds:

  • redirect both to the same stream (but that can be annoying to do from an exec()-style call, because you need to wrap it in a shell - redirection is shell stuff)
  • for non-interactive stuff, write both streams to a file, read those after the programs exit

Shell escaping

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

You'll occasionally create a string to be evaluated in another context (or immediately via expr or backticks) -- and run into problems with escaping/delimiting.

'Not safe' below tends to mean one of:

  • Will open some interpreted, to-be-closed range (e.g. `)
  • Interpreted differently if in script or on command line (e.g. "\")
  • terminates some parse by odd tokenization, such as spaces in filenames

In various cases I prefer a scripting language that more or less forces you to things in a stricter (if longer) way, simply because I won't spend as much time convincing myself that the bash script is correct, or at least good enough.

single quotes: 'string'

  • Not safe to dump in: ', possibly more
  • Safe: `"$ (safe as in "not interpreted as anything more than a character")

double quotes: "string"

  • Not safe to dump in: !$"`\ and probably more
  • Safe: `

backslashing\ each\ necessary\ character

  • Potentially safer than the above (solves mentioned nonsafe character problems)
  • But: interpretation of backslashes unsafe themselves - or rather, they depend on quotes again:
    • 'single quotes' (no interpretation?)
      • echo '\z' → \z
      • echo '\\z' → \\z
      • echo '\\\z' → \\\z
      • echo '\\\\z' → \\\\z
    • outside quotes
      • echo \z → z
      • echo \\z → \z
      • echo \\\z → \z
      • echo \\\\z → \\z
    • "double quotes"
      • echo "\z" → \z
      • echo "\\z" → \z
      • echo "\\\z" → \\z
      • echo "\\\\z" → \\z

Further notes:

Here documents (those <<EOF things) act differently from the above descriptions, apparently acting like escapes inside backquotes (command substitution -- but frankly, if you're doing shell scripting that complex, you're dangerous to begin with:)

Using escaping from the shell (in most shells, anyway) gets a layer of pre-interpretation that would not be applied in a script (!)

Shell conditionals and scripting

Subshell or not

Conditional execution

Say that you have a regularly-running script conceptually like:

graphdata > file.gif
mv file.png /var/www/mywebserver

...and you want to do some parts only if the earlier bit succeeds.

Basically: Make programs return meaningful return codes (most do), and test for them and use the result.

The short syntax is && ('if success') and || ('if failed').

A brief one-liner with bash syntax is to use &&, for example:

collectdata && graphdata > file.gif && mv file.png /var/www/mywebserver

If this is not a one-liner (e.g. in your crontab) but a longer script, it's probably cleaner to do something like:

collectdata                       || { echo "Data collection failed"; return 1 }
graphdata > file.gif              || { echo "Data graphing failed"; return 2 }
mv file.png /var/www/mywebserver  || { echo "Moving graph failed"; return 3 }

Note: Prefer return over exit in anything that may be sourced rather than executed - exit would e.g. render an xterm unstartable.

For the pedantic: The && and || essentially mean 'if zero return code' and 'if nonzero' -- which is inverted from the way true and false works within almost all programming languages. It's less confusing if you don't think about the values :)

See also

More on && and ||

Using both

So, this will work:

/bin/true  && echo "Jolly good." || echo Drat.
/bin/false && echo "Jolly good." || echo Drat.

This is often explained as a shorthand for "if X then Y else Z"

What it actually means is "If X then Y; if anything up to now failed, then Z".

The really misleading thing is that for most examples (like the above) those two happen to be the same thing.

But when any command can fail, it is not.

To steal an example, what do you think the following will do?

true && { echo T; false ; false ; } || { echo F; true ; }

Without running it, does it print any Fs? Why? How many?

And is it worth having to think about whether this might make your system script or installer go wonky, when writing an if-else is half a dozen keystrokes more?

Using them in tests

Also note you can so:

if [ test1 ] && [ test2 ]; then

if [ test1 ] || [ test2 ]; then

This is essentially short-circuit logic. Which is absolutely fine on value comparison.

And may be right or wrong when involving assignments/commands, depending on whether either side having side effects you were counting on.

The most portable and readable way is to separate it into single tests. This will be verbose, but will make it much clearer that there are different code paths, and what they are.

(Yes, there are -a and -o but they are not entirely standard)


if, test

See also [[, extended test

In bourne-style scripts you frequently see lines like:

if [ "$val" -lt 2 ]; then

if test "$val" -lt 2; then

These two are functionally equivalent. The difference that [ (which is an executable, with that somewhat unusual name) looks for a closing ]. People seem to prefer this form.

You can negate tests with !

if test ! -r ~/.hushlogin; then
  echo "La la you haven't shut up motd yet"

test ! -d /var/run/postgresql && mkdir -p /var/run/postgresql

Actual tests include: (list needs to be (verify)'d)


  • -eq equal
  • -ne not equal
  • -lt, -gt less than, greater than,
  • -le, -ge less than or equal to, greater or equal


  • -r exists and can be read
  • -w exists and can be written
  • -x exists and can be executed
  • -s file exists and isn't empty (size isn't zero)
  • -e file exists (may not appear in all implementations(verify))
  • -f exists and is regular file
  • -d exists and is directory
  • -h or -L: exists and is a symbolic link
  • -p exists and is a pipe
  • -b exists and is a block device
  • -c exists and is a character device
  • -S exists and is a socket


  • -n nonzero string length (you probably want doublequotes around a variable)
  • -z zero string length (you probably want doublequotes around a variable)
  • = string equality
  • != string inequality
  • Nonstandard: 'lexically comes before' and 'lexically comes after', \< and \>, but be careful: without correct escaping these become file redirection.

boolean combinations -- which are nonstandard

  • -a and
  • -o or

Other operators test ownership by set or effective user or group, by relative age, by inode equality and others.

Common mistake #1: Unquoted empty variables

Consider that if $var is not set, or an empty string, then

[ $var = '' ]
[ -n $var ]
[ -z $var ]
[ -x `which foo` ]

would expand into:

[ = '' ]
[ -n ]
[ -z ]
[ -x ]

The first is a syntax error. The second and fourth isn't, but doesn't do what you want (returns true without an argument). The third is basically fine.

Regardless, you should be in the habit of always using quotes: (probably doublequotes)

[ "$var" = '' ]
[ -n "$var" ]
[ -z "$var" ]
[ -x "`which foo`" ]

(TODO: double check that the -x example makes sense)

Common annoyance #1: No substring test

It's not there.

But it sort of is -- in bash and sh (recent/all?(verify)), you can use case for this, e.g.:

case "$var" in
      echo "Saw error, stopping now"
      exit 0 ;;
      echo "We're probably good, doing stuff"

The following is also possible, and arguably more generic, because it uses something external (that we know the behaviour of):

grep -o "pattern1" <<< "$var" && echo "do something"

Also, both are fixed in the extended test command, which is a bashism (not standard POSIX, not available in e.g. sh or dash which can be your system's default shell, so only use around a /bin/bash hashbang).

test and conditional commands

Since test and [ also set the exit code, you see shell script lines like:

# stop now if we are running in interactive context
[ -z "$PS1" ]      && return           

# source this if it exists
[ -f /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc

While experimenting with command success/failure, you may find it useful to show test's exit status, for example:

test -n "`find . -name '*.err' -print0`" ; echo $?

...but this can be confusing -- the logic is wrapped around program exit codes, so 0 is true and nonzero is false, which is the opposite of how most programming logic works. You usually don't need to think about that until you're consuming it as a number. For example:

test 2 -eq 2 ; echo $?
test 4 -eq 2 ; echo $?

[[, extended test

The extended test command, [[, was adopted by bash from ksh around bash 2.02 (~1998) (regex support since 3.1, ~2005) [6], and also available in zsh.

Note: when using in scripts, use explicit #!/bin/bash hashbang to avoid problems with default shells not being bash (or ksh).

This because while test and [ are POSIX, [[ is not. Bash is very typically installed (if not can be considered exotic), but don't assume it's your system's default shell (used e.g. for scripts). Pay attention to systems using:

using sh (bourne shell, not yet again)
the lightweight dash (e.g. various Ubuntu and BSD do this, and dash doesn't do [[)
embdedded systems using busybox (so ash(verify)[7], the origin of dash)

Most interesting details compared to [ / test:

  • parsed before other processing,
in particular it sees things before any word splitting or glob expansion
it's more predictable as it's less likely to be mangled by something you didn't think about
no longer a mistake to omit (double)quotes for variables, file tests, or spaceless literals:
[[ $VAR != yes ]]
[[ -e $b ]]
  • now standard instead of deprecated:
&& for logical AND within a test
|| for logical OR within a test
() for logical grouping
  • glob matching, which includes substring matching
[[ abc = a* ]]
[[ $var = *a* ]]
  • regexp pattern matching
[[ abb =~ ab+ ]]

Note that it still makes sense to use (( for arithmetic, [[ is for string and file stuff.

See also:

Some practical tests
Test whether command exists


One of the most robust, POSIX-compliant tests seems to be:

if [ ! -x "$(command -v progname 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
  echo progname not installed


Commands that set the return code (and don't do much when not given arguments) can be simpler: (suppressing stderr to avoid -bash: progname: command not found)

if ! progname 2>/dev/null; then
  echo progname not installed

...except you may run into the command-not-found handle that suggests installing things. This depends on the way that's hooked in, though, it shouldn't apply within scripts(verify)


Generally preferred is the thing actually called command (similar in function to which), using option -v to describe rather than run (which you probably want to hide). Basically:

if ! command -v progname 2>/dev/null; then
   echo commandname not installed

Command may match weirdly defined aliases, and some implementations (e.g. dash's(verify)) will also match non-executables, meaning the slightly better variant is to ask for the path and test its executable bits:

if [ ! -x "$(command -v progname 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
  echo progname not installed


Has a builtin type that mentions whether something is a builtin, keyword, disk executable, etc - and will give an error return code if it doesn't find anything (and complain on stderr), which means you can do:

if ! builtin type progname 2>/dev/null; then
   echo progname not installed

A similar bash-builtin-ism is hash, which is basically its builtin which-alike. (The main difference to the just-mentioned type is that it'll only report disk executables)

if ! builtin hash progname 2>/dev/null; then
   echo progname not installed

(The use of builtin is optional, but preferred to avoid functions/commands called type or hash respectively)

type and hash are POSIX too[8][9] so will also work in zsh, dash and ash (busybox). Note that some implementations have non-POSIX extensions that you shouldn't use if you want this portability. (some suggest implementations vary more -- TODO: figure out(verify))

Why not which?, say,

PROGNAME=`which progname`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   echo  progname not installed

Bad because it's not as portable as you think. Not all implementations set a return code, and while typically present it is not a standard tool. Also some are hooked into package management so aren't lightweight. [10]

See also:

Test whether variable is set

If you only care to distinguish between set to a nonempty string and empty string or null or unset, the following is fine:

if [ -z "$var" ]

If you care between set and unset or set to null(verify), then there is the following (which happens to be valid with and without quotes):

if [ -z ${var+s} ]

If you care about the difference between 'set and not null and set and null and unset, things are even more interesting. See also:

Test for empty directory

Assuming your path is in a variable (and being robust to spaces)

[ $(ls -A "$TESTPATH" | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && echo "empty"

You sometimes might use find to make a more specific test, e.g. test a mountpoint isn't a (broken) symlink.

(Also yes, paths without spaces, e.g. hardcoded cases, can be written shorter, e.g. $ [ -z "$(ls -A /tmp)" ] && echo "empty")

More notes

If you want to take out some block of code via an if (faster than commenting a lot of lines) then avoid one stupid mistake I've made:

if [ false ] # or whatever string in there 

This won't work because bash uses string variables, and the default operation is -n ("is string non-empty").

The shortest thing that does what you want is:

if [ ]

or perhaps:

if [ "" ]

or, if you want something more obvious to passing readers, maybe:

if [ ignore = block ]


This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

Note: only in the bourne-style shells (verify)

For example:

case "$var" in
   *pattern1* )            echo "seeing pattern 1" ;;
   *pattern2*|*pattern3* ) echo "seeing pattern 2 or 3" ;;
   * )                     echo "fallback case" ;;

The thing this has over test/if is proper wildcard behaviour.


You'll know that a bash script can act as a batch file, running one command after the other in the hope nothing will screw up. Bash, however, offers more useful functionality, in and out of scripts (there is, in fact, no noticeable difference). For example:

for pid in `pidof swipl pl`; do renice 5 $pid; done 
29180: old priority 0, new priority -5
26858: old priority 0, new priority -5

...will re-nice the named processes, because for expects a space-seperated list, pidof returns a list of pids, and backquotes (`) mean "treat this as its output of the command specified"

The above could have been spread among lines:

bash-2.05b $ for pid in `pidof swipl pl`
> do 
>   renice 5 $pid
> done

Something similar goes for if-else loops. These allow you construct scripts that catch errors, run differently depending on how other commands managed, on environment variables, and whatnot. Scripting tends to beat real programming for simple little jobs.

While you can do this for files by using a wildcard, but it is generally a bad thing to do on files and you shouldn't learn this this way, because it won't work in two situations:

  • when files contain spaces (possibly also on other less usual but legal characters)
  • when there are so many files that bash expands the command to something longer than it can use (see Argument list too long (although this is less of a problem now)

If you want to do it robustly / properly, learn using using find and xargs.


while is a conditional loop.

You can do things like

while [ 1 ]; do (clear; df; sleep 5); done
#which imitates   watch -n 5 df


let c=0
while [ $c -lt 10 ]; do  # better served by a for
  echo $c; 
  let c=c+1 

User input

read reads user input into a variable, for example:

read -p "Do you want to continue? " usercont
echo $usercont

There are some options - that the man page doesn't mention.


Substring (by position,length):

# s="foobarquu";echo ${s:3:5}

Regexp is possible, but strange and limited. Use of awk and/or sed is probably handier.

sourcing scripts

Usually, running a script means creating a process, and running the listed commands in that process.

When you want to alter a current shell's environment, it is useful to run another script's commands in our context. This is what source is for.

source /etc/profile

# (bourne-style?) shorthand:
. /etc/profile

Backgrounding processes

Ctrl-Z, fg and bg

I occasionally see people using shells used only to run a program, typing e.g. firefox and then minimizing it as a useless shell. That while it is simple to background a program, like: netscape &.

(In the case of KDE, you can of course use the run dialog, Alt-F2. The parent of the process will be kdeinit then, I believe.) If you wish to have the same effect as the & after you didn't initially use it, you can use Control-Z to pause the current foreground process, which should print something like:

[1]+ Stopped       firefox

...which is a shell-specific (bash, here) job management list. You can then run bg to have the same effect as the ampersand, or fg to continue the program as before - an effective pause. You can use the job id's if you want detailed control over more than one process, but I've never needed this.

When a backgrounded program's parent shell is terminated, the program should keep running, although there are likely details there that I've never checked out. For a more more certain, permanent and convenient running-in-the-background solution, use screen, which is probably more useful in the first place.

Directory of script being run

DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

With a number of caveats.

Console scrolling

Shift-PgUp and Shift-PgDown (often)

Useful for those happy-go-verbose programs, you can scroll back as far as the screen history goes. This usually works in text consoles, and is usually imitated by X terminal consoles.

Note that various things (PuTTy/Konsole/xterm, but also screen) may have their own configurable limit to how many past lines they keep, and in the case of screen, their own way of looking at it (screens are not really regular terminals, after all...)

Shell aliases and functions


Aliases are short identifiers that expand to longer things. For bash, the syntax is like setting a variable. Potentially useful examples:

alias webdir="cd /var/www/www/htdocs"                # go to some directory you regularly work in
alias weblogtail="tail -F /var/log/apache2/*"        # watch web server log
alias logs="tail -F /var/log/*.log /var/log/*/*.log /var/log/syslog"  # watch various current logs
alias ..='cd ..'                                     # funky shortcut

Customized alternatives, such as and ls that uses iso date formats, hides . and .., hides the groupname, hides backups (*~), adds a / to directory names, sorts by mtime (most recent last), uses human-readable sizes, and color when appropriate:

alias l="ls -lAhGBptr --time-style=long-iso --color=auto "

Some examples:

alias vf='cd'                            # catch typo
alias duh="du -h "                       # use human-readable sizes
alias dud="du --max-depth=1 -h "         # human, one-deep (often more readable)
alias lslast="ls -lrt "                  # show last modified last
alias lsd='find * -prune -type d -exec echo {} \;'  # 'list directories under curdir'
alias llsd='find * -prune -type d -ls'   # long form
alias hexdump='od -t x1z'                # "show hex representation, of single bytes at a time, show text alongside"
alias dlpage="wget -r -l 1 "             # save page and direct links
alias lesscol="less -R"                  # less that allows color (...control codes)
alias psgrep="ps aux | grep"             # short way of grepping through process list
alias go-go-gadget=sudo
# change default verbosity
alias df="df -hT "                       # use human-readable sizes and show filesystem type
alias bzip2="bzip2 -p "                  # always print progress when bzipping
alias pstree='pstree -pu '               # always show pid, and show usernames where UID changes
# change default behaviour:
alias grep="egrep "                      # always use extended grep (always have regexp)
alias bc="bc -lq "                       # bc always does float calculations


  • aliases can be removed with unalias
  • naming an aliasing the same as the command is possible, but can mean arguments that are hard to negate, arrive double can cause confusion, and such. You may want to know about unalias
  • aliases don't have arguments as such - they expand and let arguments come at the end (note that bash functions can have arguments, so they can be a better choice)
  • if intead of an alias you can use an environment variable (e.g. <tt>GREP_COLOR=</tt> for grep's --color=), that may be preferable, as it is more flexible.
  • some distributions have different default behaviour differences (via aliases), such as having rm do "rm -i".


Bash functions have a somewhat flexible syntax. They look like the following, although the 'function' keyword is optional:

# alternative to cd that lists content when you switch directory
function cdd() { cd ${1} ; echo $PWD ; ls -FC --color ; };

More adaptively:

rot13 () { 
   if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then  #no arguments? eternal per-line translation
      tr '[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]' '[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]'
   else                   #translate all arguments
      echo $* | tr '[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]' '[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]'


  • Functions can be removed with unset -f name
  • Neither aliases or functions are forked

Renaming many files

There are different things called rename out there.

rename (Perl script)

If running rename without arguments says:

Usage: rename [-v] [-n] [-f] perlexpr [filenames]

This seems to be to be a variant of this This seems to be the default on Debian/ubuntu/derived. Many other distros have it under a package called something like prename

You use it something like:

rename 's/[.]htm$/.html/' *.htm

rename 's/[a-z]+_([0-9]+)[.]html$/frame_$1.html/' *.html

perlexpression is typically a regex, but could be any perl code that alters $_)

In a regex, you may often want to use <t>/g</t> or you'll get only one replacement.

"rename (util-linux" variant)

If running without arguments starts with:

call: rename from to files...

OR (...there seems to be a mix of old and new in the wild) (verify)

rename: not enough arguments

 rename [options] expression replacement file...

Then it's a simple substring replace and you use it like:

rename '.htm' '.html' *.htm

And e.g:

rename '' 'PrependMe ' *
rename 'RemoveMe' '' *

See also:


Haven't used yet. TODO

Configurable autocompletion

Bash >=2.04 has configurable autocompletion. See man bash, somewhere under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS.

Actions are pre-made completion behaviour.

complete -A directory  cd rmdir         # complete only with directories for these two
complete -A variable   export           # assist re-exports
complete -A user       mail su finger   # complete usernames
complete -A hostname   ping scp         # complete hostnames (presumably from /etc/hosts)

Filter patterns are usually for filenames (-f), to filter out completion candidates, for example to filter out everything that does't end in '.(zip|ZIP)' when the command is unzip.

This can be helpful but also potentially really annoying: if I know a file is an archive but doesn't have the exact extension the completion is expecting, you will have to type out the filename (or change the command temporarily).

Manual filters: You can use a bash function, and inside that do whatever you want, including calling applications to get and process your options (just don't make them heavy ones). The following example (found somewhere, and rewritten) illustrates:

The following allows killall completion, with the names of the currently processes that the current user owns:

_processnames() {
   local cur=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}    #the partial thing you typed already
   COMPREPLY=(                                    \
       $( ps --no-headers -u $USER -o comm      | \
       awk '{if($0  ~ /^'$cur'/)    print $0}'  | \
       awk '{if($0 !~ /\/[0-9]$/)   print $0}' )  \
   return 0
complete -F _processnames  killall

That first awk takes out things that don't start with what you typed so far, the second filters out the names of some 2.6 kernel process names (in the form processname/0)you probably can't and don't want to kill.


Shopt sets some options for the sh family of shells.

Shopt things are set (-s) or unset (-u). You can see the current state with a shopt -p.

Most of the settings are low-level and are probably already set to sensible values.

Things that might interest you include:

  • checkwinsize update LINES and COLUMNS environment variables whenever the shell has control. Useful for resizeable shell windows, e.g. remote graphical ones.
  • histappend appends instead of overwrite the history file. Seems to be useful when you often have multiple shells on the same host.
  • dotglob considers .dotfiles in filename completion
  • nocaseglob ignores case while completing. This can be useful if you, say, want'*.jpg' to include '.JPG', '.Jpg', etc. files too. (You may wish to be a bit more careful when you have this set, though)

If you generally want case sensitive matching, but sometimes case insensitive matching, say,

ngc ls *.jpg    # case insensitive 
ls *.jpg        # case sensitive

...then you can use a trick to temporarily disable e.g. nocaseglob:

alias ncg='shopt -s nocaseglob; ncgf'
ncgf() {
  shopt -u nocaseglob

This works because an alias is evaluated before the main command, a function after.

Key shortcuts

To get an old command, instead of pressing Up a lot, you can search for a substring with Control-R. When you get the one you want, use enter to run it, or most anything else to change it first.

See also

Some shell-fu exercise

Links and sites

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

These are general sites, here partly because they need some place. You may find some of them intereting to read, but none are of the "Read this before you go on" type.

Thinks to look at:

Here documents

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

You've probably seen scripts with something like:

wall <<EOF
Hello there.
Please be aware the system is going down in half an hour.

<< means feeding in data that follows into stdin of the preceding command, everything up to the token mentioned immediately after. People often use EOF as a recognizable convention, but it could be xx62EndOfMessageZorp just as easily.

Here documents can be easier than trying to construct an echo command to do your multi-line escaped bidding.

Combination with shell arguments (redirection, piping) look weirdly positioned

wall <<EOF &

...until you realize that the here-document start is really just a trigger for behaviour that starts after the rest of the command is parsed and evaluated

strace -eopen workhard <<EOF 2>&1 | grep datafile

See also:

Quick and dirty utilities

du with better kilo, mega, giga behaviour

Written to use du with size sorting and human-readable size output.

Made to be used in bash function (sort of like aliases, but allowing further arguments):

function duk()  { du --block-size=1 ${1} | sort -n | kmg; };
function duk1() { du --block-size=1 --max-depth=1 ${1} | sort -n | kmg; };
function duk2() { du --block-size=1 --max-depth=2 ${1} | sort -n | kmg; };

That kmg script (e.g. put it in /usr/local/bin and chmod +x it):

""" Looks for a number at the start of each line. If large, is assumed to be summarizable in kilo/mega/giga. Meant to make du output more readable """
import sys,re

def kmg(bytes,kilo=1024):
    """ Readable size formatter.                                                                            
        Binary-based kilos by default. Specify kilo=1000 if you want decimal kilos.                         
    if abs(bytes) > 0.95*tera:
        return "%.1fT"%(bytes/float(tera))
    if abs(bytes) > 0.95*giga:
        return "%.0fG"%(bytes/float(giga))
    if abs(bytes) > 0.9*mega:
        return "%.0fM"%(bytes/float(mega))
    if abs(bytes) > 0.85*kilo:
        return "%.0fK"%(bytes/float(kilo))
        return "%d"%bytes

firstws = re.compile('^[0-9]+(?=[\t\ ])')  # look for initial number, followed by space or tab
for line in sys.stdin:
    m = firstws.match(line)
    if m:
        bytesize = int( line[m.start():m.end()], 10)   
        #for du uses, we could filter out below a particular size (if argument given)
        sys.stdout.write("%s %s"%(kmg( bytesize ),line[m.end():])) # using stdout.write saves a rstrip()

technical notes

Return codes

Return codes a.k.a. exit status are a number that a process returns.

Languages often tie this to

  • the return on the main() function
  • a function called exit() that also causes the termination

(It goes to the same thing under the covers)

It's probably most cautious to treat the value as having 8-bit range

It seems to be 32-bit in windows
In POSIX it's 32-bit internally, and it uses parts of that for wait/waitid/waitpid syscalls internally
using waitid and similar gives you the full value,
apparently POSIX 2016 has made it clearer that the full value should be
however, in linux most (but not all APIs) truncate that value to 8 bit range (verify) [11]

The only thing you can truly count on is stdlib.h's definition of:

1        EXIT_FAILURE 

Things like shells (see if, test, &&, || and such) often consider 0 success and anything else an error because...

Conventions on top of that include:

  • programmers using 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.. for specific reasons as you invent them
so that when things call you, they can have some idea of why you failed
  • programmers using -1, -2 in a similar way
note that this will arrive as 255, 254, etc.
  • passing through errno
lists seem to top out around 130ish
can overlap other conventions
can exceed 255 in theory (probably effectively be masked then)

  • OpenBSD style guide recommends sticking to its sysexits.h and not your own (verify)
  • sysexits.h added some entries a bunch of years later (originating from mail servers, apparently). You see them around, but not much.
64       command line usage error 
65       data format error 
66       cannot open input 
67       addressee unknown 
68       host name unknown 
69       service unavailable 
70       internal software error 
71       system error (e.g., can't fork) 
72       critical OS file missing 
73       can't create (user) output file 
74       input/output error 
75       temp failure; user is invited to retry 
76       remote error in protocol 
77       permission denied 
78       configuration error 

  • Bash (mainly meaning bash scripts) seems to add:
1 as a fallback for errors it has no specific code for
2 for problems using builtins
126 Command invoked cannot execute (e.g. Permission problem or command is not an executable)
127 "command not found"
Also seems to include the case of "error while loading shared libraries" (verify)
128 Invalid argument to bash's exit

  • passing through signals as 128+signalnumber
signals go up to 64ish (see kill -l)), so this is in the range 129..192ish (signal 0 never gets sent(verify))
note that a bunch of these are unusual to see as exit codes as they will have signal handlers
on current linux meaning (note that the nature of various (e.g. job management, scheduler) means you will not see them as exit codes - see e.g. Linux_admin_notes_-_unsorted_and_muck#Signal_handling)
130 SIGINT     (Ctrl-C, usually, but also e.g. used by shells to signal graceful exit)
132 SIGILL     (illegal instruction)
135 SIGBUS     (Bus error)
137 SIGKILL    (kill -9, generally known as "try harder than -15")
139 SIGSEGV    (segfault)
141 SIGPIPE    (Broken pipe)
143 SIGTERM    (kill -15, also the default for kill, and e.g. what service management might use)
156 SIGWINCH  (terminal size change)
160..192       SIGRT* stuff   (omitted for brevity)

See also

tty, pty, pts, and such

  • tty - teletypewriter.
    • in modern context is
      • the physical teleprinter terminals they were named for
      • other terminals that are fairly fixes, from serial ports exposing terminals, to text-mode terminals that *nixes often had behind some key combo. These are virtual, but typically fairly fixed via configuration.
      • and pseudoterminals (see below).
    • also regularly refers to 'the terminal that this process is wrapped in' (which is what the tty command reports - see its man page).

  • pty - pseudoterminal
    • these are dynamically allocated, not fixed to anything
    • ...which is a pair of a ptmx (pseudoterminal master) and pts (pseudoterminal slave)
    • see man pts
    • most recognizably used in cases like remote logins (e.g. sshd) and graphical terminals

On linux,

/dev/tty* are text-mode terminals (often handled by getty or similar),
/dev/pts/* are typically graphical shells, sshd, tmux/screen
(may be useful when inspecting the output of things like last)

Be lazy, type less

Tab autocompletion

You don't have to type out long names. Most shells will autocomplete both command names and file names, up to the point of ambiguity.

For example, if you have three files in your current directory:


You can complete to the third with e.g.

cat inTab

and the second with:

cat ITabtTab

Pressing tab twice at a point of ambiguity will show the options. For example, psTabTab will likely list ps2pdf, ps2pdf13, ps2pdfwr, ps2ps, psscale, pslatex and more.

Using your history

In bash:

  • Ctrl-R, then type a substring.
it will show the most recent - press Ctrl-R again to find earlier matches
press enter to accept the current match and immediately run it
press e.g. arrow keys to put it on the command line to edit first
  • ! is like a blind version of Ctrl-R that immediately runs the most recent match

  • look through history, e.g. history | grep ssh, then copy-paste

Backgrounding, pausing, and detaching processes

This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.

backgrounding, job control (Ctrl-Z, bg, fg, effective pausing)

Most shells have job control. The following mentions bash's

Job control means you can run multiple things from one shell, and the shell need not be occupied and useless while it's running something.

Say you want to update the database that backs the locate command. The update command is updatedb, and it takes a while. Running updatedb & will start it program, but disconnect its stdin from your terminal. (Not that this particular program asks for any further input via stdin, but on other cases that can be a problem).

In other words, it now runs in the background.

Its stdout and stderr are still connected to your terminal (so it'll spout any output while you're doing other things -- in updatedb's case mostly warnings), and the process is still the shell's direct child (so will be killed when your terminal quits).

When a program occupies your terminal, Ctrl-Z will disconnect it from your stdin and effectively pause it.

If you follow that with a fg, it continues running in the foreground. (Sometimes this is a convenient way to pause a program, though anything watching the time may get confused, so this mostly makes sense for simple shell utilities)

If you follow it up with a bg, it will continue running as a background process, which is functionally equivalent to having started the process with & (note: bg and fg are bash-specific. other shells do job control differently)

avoiding dependency on starting process

When a shell starts a process, it is the child of that shell. Normally, killing a process with children means the HUP signal is sent to each child -- a message meaning "controlling terminal is closed". The default signal hander for HUP stops a process.

A shell is itself the child of something -- with SSH login it's the sshd process for the network connection, with local graphical login it's the xterm, itself a child of your window manager, which is a child of your login session, etc. Particularly in the graphical login case, this default to clean up is a useful thing.

There are actually two relevant ways a child and parent are related. One is the process tree cleanup described above. The other is how the stdin/stdout/stderr streams are attached (by default to the controlling terminal), because closing one end tends to break the program on the other end.

When you want to run a job that may take a while, both of the above mean it may quit purely because its startup shell was closed. If you are running long-term jobs, this is too fragile.

This is where nohup is useful. Nohup tells the process it will be starting up to ignore the HUP signal, which means that when its parent stops, the process will be moved to become a child to the init process (which will always be running).

The nohup utility will also not connect the standard streams to the controlling terminal (because those are streams that, when the other end stops existing, will lead to IO errors, like broken pipe). Instead, stdin is connected to /dev/null, stdout is written to a file called nohup.out (current directory or home directory), and stderr goes to stdout (?why?)

If you started a process that you want to become immune to HUP without having to restart it, your shell may provide for this. In bash, the command is disown (with a jobspec)

on bash jobspecs

Say I type in

sleep 200 &

A couple times in bash. If I then run jobs, it'll tell me:

[1]   Running                 sleep 200 &
[2]   Running                 sleep 200 &
[4]   Running                 sleep 200 &
[5]-  Running                 sleep 200 &
[7]+  Running                 sleep 200 &

These jobspecs can be used like:

kill %1      # this kill is a bash builtin, /bin/kill won't understand this

There's also

disown %4

which is much like nohup - it removes it from the shell's job table, and (so) SIGHUP won't be sent when that shell quits.

There's more, but I've never needed the complex stuff.


  • some shells have their own nohup, which supersedes the nohup executable. (example: csh's built-in nohup acts differently from bash's. In particular, it does not redirect stdout and stderr)

See also:

Limitations and problems


Changing to common directories

When working on a project or dataset is likely to take a while, I like to have a few-key method of going there.

Using tmux/screen solves that half of the time (because you return to a shell in the right directory), but it's still nice to allow new shells to move quickly.

The simple way is an alias:

alias work="cd /home/proj/code/mybranch"

I've worked at a place you would commonly want to find directories with known names which were annoying to type or even complete entirely.

While you can't get a subprocess to change directory for you (its environment is its own), a cd in a bash function applies to the shell it's called from, so you can do:

workdir () {
    cd $(/usr/local/bin/ $@)

My version of that script

  • was hardcoded to glob a few directories for subdirectories you might want to go to,
  • does a case-insensitive substring match,
  • ...and when that's ambiguous, or matches nothing, it outputs the current directory to effectively not change directories, and prints some friendly information on stderr.


When something in the shell is showing a human more than one page at a time, it may choose to invoke the terminal pager, set via environment variable PAGER, on said output.

PAGER is an environment variable controlling what command is used for this.

If not set, many things default to less

While you can set this to anything, it should be well behaved in the shell, and present, so less is a very sensible default.

It's used by things like man - and also by anything else that chooses to, including things like python's help(), psql's pager, mycli's pager, etc.

tweaking less's behaviour

You can set other behaviour by setting the options them in the LESS environment variable, for example:

export LESS="-Saz-5j3R"

#and potentially have it work differently in general than as the PAGER
export PAGER="less -SaXz-5j3R"

In the above:

  • -S crop lines, don't wrap. Means it acts consistently as if you have a rectangular window on the text.
(By default, less does line wrapping when you are positioned to entirely the left, then switches to cropping once you've moved to the right at all. When you're looking at data or code, this you may find this change confusing/annoying)
  • -a while searching and asking for the next match, all those currently visible are considered as having been seen, and won't be paused at.
Useful when there are a lot of hits on the same screen
  • -X don't clear the screen
e.g. very short files are shown inline in the terminal instead of with a pager
  • -z-5 PgUp/PgDn will scroll a screenful minus five lines (instead of an exact screenful)
when reading code and text, I like this context
  • -j3 search results show up on third line instead of top line, for some readable context (negative number has different meaning; see man page)
  • -R Allow through ANSI control codes (mostly for colors), and try to estimate how that affects layout so that we don't mess up layout too much.

and sometimes:

  • -n Suppress line numbering. Very large files load faster. Does disable some line-related features, but I rarely use them.

It's probably a good idea to set -R conditionally, e.g. have bashrc include something like:

case "$TERM" in
        # allow raw ANSI too
        export LESS="-SaXz-5j3R" ;;
    * )
    export LESS="-SaXz-5j3" ;;
Note that you can also cancel this while it's doing it, with a single Ctrl-C

Further notes:

  • less filename and cat filename | less are not entirely identical.

When less takes input from stdin (the second way above), it will show contents more or less verbatim. When invoked directly, less may apply preprocessing.

  • Preprocessing basically means less runs something on the data, depending on what it is. For example to show the decompressed version of files, rendering HTML via a text-mode browser, showing the text from a PostScript file, showing music's metadata, colorizing code, and more.
see 'input preprocessor' in the man page for more details
  • less is usually the default PAGER, a variable which contains the executable that programs can call to show long content. For example, man uses PAGER.