Parataxis, Hypotaxis

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Parataxis means little more than 'placing side by side', and is used to a few different more concrete things.

In writing styles:

cf. syntaxis (favors complex syntax),
cf. hypotaxis (the explicit subordination of some word, phrase or clause to another, (only or particularly?(verify)) with a conjunction)
  • similarly, sentences in such and adjacent/related style, e.g. "All humans are mortal. Socrates is a human. Socrates is mortal."
the hypotaxis style might be "because all people are human, Socrates is also mortal"

In linguistic analysis, parataxis may point to sentence analysis/dependency relations that exist by being adjacent, without explicit coordination/conjunction (verify)

Hypotaxis then means similar but unequal.

In this context, syntaxis can refer to using complex, often relatively poetic

See also: