This is more for overview of my own than for teaching or exercise.
Overview of the math's areas
- Arithmetic · 'elementary mathematics' and similar concepts
- Set theory, Category theory
- Geometry and its relatives · Topology
- Elementary algebra - Linear algebra - Abstract algebra
- Calculus and analysis
- Logic
- Semi-sorted
- : Information theory · Number theory · Decision theory, game theory · Recreational mathematics · Dynamical systems · Unsorted or hard to sort
Math on data:
- some introduction · areas of statistics
- types of data · on random variables, distributions
- Virtues and shortcomings of...
- on sampling · probability
- glossary · references, unsorted
- Footnotes on various analyses
- Other data analysis, data summarization, learning
- Data modeling, restructuring, and massaging
- Statistical modeling · Classification, clustering, decisions, and fuzzy coding ·
- dimensionality reduction ·
- Optimization theory, control theory · State observers, state estimation
- Connectionism, neural nets · Evolutionary computing
- Formal grammars - regular expressions, CFGs, formal language
- Signal analysis, modeling, processing
- Image processing notes
- Varied text processing
✎ This article/section is a stub — some half-sorted notes, not necessarily checked, not necessarily correct. Feel free to ignore, or tell me about it.