Word similarity
(Redirected from Homophone)
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Various -nyms
Same pronunciation
(Yes, the terms are a bit messy, it's not just you)
- different meaning
- (says nothing about spelling. If same spelling it is a homonym. If different spelling, it is a heterograph)
- same pronunciation
- e.g. waste, waist
- different meaning
- different spelling
- same pronunication
- e.g. two, too
The case of:
- same meaning
- different spelling
- same pronunication
- e.g. gases, gasses
Same spelling
homograph (note: group with some more specific cases)
- different meaning
- same spelling
- (says nothing about pronunciation. If also same pronunciation, it is a homonym)
- different meaning
- same spelling
- different pronunciation
- e.g. desert (noun: arid region; verb: to abandon), bow (gesture; weapon)
read (reading in present and past tense)
The case of:
- same meaning
- same spelling
- different pronunciation
- (e.g. the with and without stress, )
To complete the cases above
homonym = homograph and homophone
- different meaning
- same spelling
- same pronunciation
- e.g. mean (average; being nasty),
stalk (plant; following) - also turns up around equivocation - using different interpretations of the same word at different times
- same meaning (or very similar) (distinguished mostly by idiosyncrasies)
- different spelling
- different pronunication
identical words (same everything)
unrelated words (different everything)
Note that polysemy looks pretty close to homography
Paronym: Near-homonyms, or related in root (e.g. cognates)
Other relations
- Antonym: Opposition of meaning in some sense, e.g. good and bad. (Occasionally has various gradations. Seems to work best on abstract nouns)
- see also auto-antonyms, words with have distinct meanings that oppose. (though as one of these meanings may fall out of style, a lot examples may seem somewhat archaic or contrived)
- Hyponym and hypernym: More specific and more general (respectively)
- e.g. cutlery has hyponyms spoon, fork, etc.
- Knife has hypernym cutlery.
- Meronym and holonym: part versus the whole (respectively)
- You could say engine is a meronym of a car; car is a holonym in relation to its engine.
- see also mereology, which more formally deals with this
- Troponym: relations to other manners of otherwise the same thing
- e.g. nibble, eat, gorge are troponyms of each other