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Form types

String variable names end with dollar

Praat info window
* appendInfoLine - add to info window content
* writeInfoLine - replace all info window content with this (you may prefer to use only append, and the occsaional clearinfo)
* clearinfo - clear info window content

* appendInfo
String variable names end with dollar, numerics do not
runSubprocess(cmd$) - run command
runSubprocess$(cmd$) - runSubprocess(cmd$) and return its output
For anything more complex, you will be working with '''the list and selections within it'''
* [ selectObject] change selection, by ID or name
* [ plusObject] add to current selection, by ID or name
* [ minusOject] removes from current selection, by ID or name
* [ removeObject] removes objects from list
:: if in the selection, removes that; does not otherwise affect the selection
* selected$() is a function that returns the '''name''' of objects within the selection
** selected$()
** selected$(num)
** selected$(type$)
** selected$(type$, num)
* selected() is a function that returns the '''ID''' of objects within the selection
** selected() - return ID of the topmost selected object
** selected(number) - return ID of so-manieth item (from the bottom if negative)
** selected (type$) - return ID of first selected object of the type
** selected (type$, i) - return ID of so-manieth selected object of the type
An object has a full name and a given name, e.g. when you start fresh and create a recording, then
writeInfoLine ()
appendInfoLine( selected$() )
appendInfoLine( selected$("Sound") )
will print
Sound untitled
The first is a full name, the second a given name. You could split those out like:.
fullName$ = selected$()
type$ = extractWord$ (fullName$, "")
name$ = extractLine$ (fullName$, " ")
appendInfoLine( type$ )
appendInfoLine( name$ )
Which would give:
* [ select all
* [ Remove
String operations
noext$ = filename$ - ".wav"
Read from file: noext$ + ".wav"
writeInfoLine: “The value is ”, b, “.”
# comment (beginning of line only)
not whitespace sensitive (anymore), and people like indenting to suggest structure
for i from 1 to nFiles
if i < 20 and word$ = “STIM”
  do this
elsif i = 20 and not word$ = “STIM”
  do that
  do this
'''scripts look like wording, but you won't understand why it works until you figure out the predefined things it's referencing'''
Create Strings as file list: "*.wav"
num_files = Get number of strings
for i from 1 to num_files
  selectObject: "Strings files"
  filename$ = Get string: i
  basename$ = filename$ - ".wav"
  Read from file: dir$ + basename$ + ".wav"
Why does "Get number of files" or "Get String" work?
'''Get is a little magical'''
Create Strings as file list... list 'source_directory$'/'file_name_or_initial_substring$'*'file_extension$'
head_words = selected("Strings")
Erase all
Draw inner box
Erase all
form presens a form
: "OK" sets the mentioned variables
: "Cancel" sets done
: (doesn't ''define'' one, it does it right then)
form Concatenate sound files
comment Directory of input sound files
text Sound_directory C:\temp\
sentence Sound_file_extension .wav
comment Save the final file as
text Save_as C:\temp\temp.wav
Write to WAV file... 'save_as$'
Add menu command...
Add action command...

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==External scripting==
There are various libraries that interact with praat's files, and make have python initiate praat running praat scripts
For example, praatio allows:
from praatio import textgrid
tg = textgrid.openTextgrid(r"C:\Users\tim\Documents\transcript.TextGrid", False)
# Textgrid, IntervalTier, and PointTier

Revision as of 11:49, 20 June 2024